Friday, May 7, 2010

Berkman tip-toes into the boss' office

Lance Berkman apparently phoned Ed Wade to explain himself a little bit about the whole hypothetical "If I were GM..." article:

“I'm not trying to play GM,” said Berkman, who reiterated his desire to finish his career as an Astro. “I wanted him to know that I'm not trying to force anybody's hand or communicate anything through the media. It was a hypothetical conversation (the comments), but I'm not going to back away from what I said because I still feel that way.”

Ed Wade:
“Players have the right to make comments and express their opinions. Our goal, and I'm sure his goal is the same as everybody else's goal, is to be in a position that we don't have to make those types of decisions or consider making those decisions in June or July...

...I appreciate Lance's comments if he were the general manager; if I were the first baseman, I might want to be hitting .350 right now.”