Saturday, March 6, 2010

Recap for ST3: Astros v. Braves

A 3-0 win by the Astros over the Braves improves their Spring record to 2-1, and we've seen three totally different results from the pitching staff.

What Happened?
RBI singles from Geoff Blum and Pedro Feliz, and an unearned run provided the offense. And the Astros overcame many plethoras of walks and 3x11 batting with RISP.

Why They Won
Pitching. Even though the pitching staff walked eight (striking out seven), they got the Braves to leave 12 men on base, and go 0x7 with RISP.

Astros pitching
Roy threw a couple of (obviously) scoreless innings, getting out of trouble after loading the bases. Fulchino had the only perfect outing. How about those in battle?

Jose Valdez: 1IP, 2BB
Fernando Abad: 1IP, 2H
Wesley Wright: 1IP, 1H, 1K

Astros batting
0-fers: Matsui (0x4), Quintero (0x3)

Out breakdown: Nine groundball outs, 11 flyball outs, seven strikeouts.

Positional Battles

Quintero: 0x3,

Sullivan: 0x1
Bogusevic: 0x1
Romero: 1x2
Yordany: pinch-ran, thrown out at second

Shelton: 1x2, run
Johnson: 0x1
Maysonet: 1x3, K

Man of the Match
Carlos Lee! Welcome back from the Rodeo - 1x1 with a walk and a run.

Goat of the Game
Kaz Matsui (get used to seeing that). 0x4 with a strikeout