Wednesday, January 27, 2010

But I'm clothed. And above ground. And I'm married. To a real, live woman.

I'm 95% sure Justice was kidding (in the same way that he says he's "95% charisma and 95% good looks"), but before we get to the 11 reasons to be, if not excited, optimistic about the 2010 Astros, this should be taken out of context and examined:

Optimism is not popular in the blogosphere. Negative sells. Astros suck. Drayton sucks.Texans suck. Rockets suck. Sportswriters suck.There, I've just summed up my daily mail bag. Guys that spend days upon days in their mother's basement in their underwear tend to get real bitter about the world.

Hm. Okay. But it should be pointed out that Pat Forde, Woody Paige, Bob Costas, Dan Shaughnessy, Scott Bordow, Ed Hardin, Geoff Baker, Mark Bechtel, David Wharton, Frank Fitzpatrick, Phil Reisman, Jason Lieser, Jay Mariotti, Rick Morrissey, Tony Kornheiser, Sam Smith, and Rick Reilly have already used the living-at-home and/or pantsless blogger routine quite effectively (thanks for the list, Deadspin). So this is why I think it was a joke. But it did need to be pointed out. Just in case, you know, it wasn't. What do you think.

ANYway. To the list of reasons why you can be optimistic. Ahh, just click Justice's link and make him happy. We're all about the positive here.