Monday, January 26, 2009

So...Richard Justice says Drayton is spending enough money...

In a blog yesterday, Justice says that Run-DMc has spent plenty of money, and the state of the Astros farm system isn't necessarily his fault.

As I've pointed out before, the issue isn't necessarily how much money you spend, but where you spend it.

The problem - as RJ points out - is that the Astros have $60 million tied up in four players. But that's in 2009, and Tejada - and I'm projecting here - will not be back in 2010.

And RJ talks about the Astros' high payroll like it's a good thing to take on huge contracts, and while that shows a willingness to contend, it also shows a short-sighted front office. Don't get me wrong: I'm glad they ponied up for Roy and Lance. Carlos? Eh. Tejada? Maybe not. But I am excited for the Bobby Heck era to have an impact on the roster.