Saturday, June 10, 2023

If my favourite blog is active again.... then so am I

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since Astros County was active, and a while longer since I have posted anything here.  Y'all may remember me - I used to write inane and annoying Game Recaps when the Astros weren't televised much.  If you also have a look at the archives of this blog, you might see the odd longer-form article that I wrote as well.  

I *like* to think that some of that writing has stood the test of time without looking totally stupid.  I was most active around 2013-2016 from memory.  I really enjoyed writing when I got the time, and it was an amazing way to de-stress from work for a period of my life when the kids were really young.  

I have an article planned for shortly, which is one I have wanted to write for years and years.  In that article (probably published tomorrow-ish), I will talk a little bit about who I am, where I live, and my strange path to Astros super-fandom.

Before I go, I want to acknowledge the tireless work of Astros County in putting together a really cool niche community for those who love the 'stros.

I look forward to catching up soon!