Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Morning Link Dump

Here's what you might have missed while you suffered through another miserable winter weekend.

*We did an Astros fantasy preview with the guys at Razzball and dropped a Babe Ruth/Willie Mays comp on George Herman Babe Springer.

*Jeff Luhnow: "Our games are going to be on TV. Whether everybody can get ’em or not remains to be seen."

*Here is a brilliant yet devastating take on the Olympic Ring fiasco from the Opening Ceremonies. 

*Mets' manager Terry Collins really hopes that the Astros and Blue Jays work out their Palm Beach County Spring Training site.

*Brett Wallace's high school coach can't fathom MLB without Brett Wallace. "I’m just hoping that somebody gives him a chance, because I think he can obviously play in the major leagues. He’s proven that he can hit in the major leagues." O_O