Monday, October 1, 2012

How cute! The Cubs are treating this series like it's the postseason

Ahh, see, the Cubs have 99 losses (this is me avoiding a Jay-Z reference). Should they lose any of the last three games of the season against the Astros, that will put them at...carry the one...yes, 100 losses. And the Cubs, as miserable and heartless as they are, haven't lost 100 games since 1966.

So they're trying to avoid that feat today. And tomorrow, if it doesn't work out today. How jacked are the Cubs? This jacked, according to manager Dale Sveum:

"I think for the guys out there [tonight], it could be like our little playoff atmosphere, to stay away from that number."

There is freedom in that number, Dale Sveum. Embrace it, and let it consume you.  

Buy your tickets for 75 cents.