Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What they're saying: G161

How about some reaction from the Cardinals' perspective this morning from last night's meltdown?

St. Louis is right now living the dream. Let's just hope they don't wake up until they are popping champagne corks this evening.

Viva El Birdos:
It's the last day of the season. One game to rule them all and in the darkness bind them. Well, maybe one game plus an extra, but that doesn't really work for the meter. Chris Carpenter should take the mound, and really, who else would you want? You know that game, where you ask the question, "If you had just one game that you absolutely, positively, had to win, who would you want to take the mound?" Well, we're actually going to play that game tonight, and Carp is that pitcher. It's pretty good to be a baseball fan right now.

Aaron Miles' Fastball:
Just 26 short days ago, the Redbirds’ season was all but over. But 26 short days ago, everything changed. Yes, thanks to the Braves for collapsing. Yes, thanks to the Phillies for not playing dead this week. But nothing that happens tonight can take away this magical, improbable, historical run from all-washed-up to all-tied-up with one to play! One game.