Monday, May 16, 2011

Other owners coming into focus

(Note: This post has been revamped, following today's press conference)

The official Astros press release has the partners listed in buying the Astros. If you run into them, make them buy you a drink:

John Havens, Bill Morgan, Doug Bauer, John Hauck & TSI Holding Company, Greg Allen & family, Neil Kelley & Partners, Will Galtney & Jeff Hines, John Eddie Williams & Cary Patterson and Milton Carroll & Partners.

Who are these guys (from a quick search)?

John Havens

John Havens is the President of Seismic Exchange, a company that provides seismic data to oil and gas companies.

John Hauck (& TSI Holding)

Hauck is the President/CEO of TSI Holding, an investment group, with revenues over $500m.

Neil Kelley

Neil Kelley is a founding partner of Genesis Park, and was the founding partner/CEO of Saracen Park, a group of hedge funds specializing in a lot of things that sound boring, but probably make you richer than God.

Will Galtney and Jeff Hines

Galtney could be a few guys. Hold, please.

Jeff Hines is the President/CEO of Hines Real Estate group and went to Williams College.

John Eddie Williams

Williams is the Managing Partner of the Williams Kherkher law firm, and is a Baylor grad.

Cary Patterson and Milton Carroll (and partners)

Patterson is an attorney from Texarakana, and Milton Carroll is the chairman of Centerpoint Energy, and is a director at Halliburton.