Thursday, November 18, 2010

And the shoe drops for Manzella

Zach Levine's updated story has this:

General manager Ed Wade said that Barmes' job was still to be determined, though manager Brad Mills would be comfortable making him the starting shortstop — a position that was manned by Tommy Manzella and Angel Sanchez last year.

"Millsie thinks that he's more than capable of playing shortstop every day, and he's a plus defender at second. Where that all plays out depends on what else we do during the offseason and it could depend on what guys do at spring training."

Did Manzella get a fair chance? Hell, and no, he didn't. When it was obvious in September 2009 that Tejada would not be coming back, Manzella saw about four and a half minutes of time at the plate. And then he that finger wouldn't heal quickly, and Angel Sanchez did well enough to keep him at bay until August. No, Manzella didn't get a fair chance.

Note there's a possibility of more moves during the off-season, and then going through Spring Training, but as of this moment, it's not looking good for Tommy Manzella in Houston.