Monday, June 14, 2010

Who hasn't signed?

It's been a week since the first day of the 2010 June Draft, and the Astros have signed 25 players. Impressive, and while I'm not about to scour the other 29 teams' drafts, I imagine that number has to be near the top. The question is, who are the 27 players who have not yet signed (or indicated that a signing is imminent)?

1st Round: Delino DeShields, Jr.
2nd Round: Vincent Velasquez
3rd Round: Austin Wates
6th Round: Adam Plutko
10th Round: Evan Grills
13th Round: Davis Duren
19th Round: Jacoby Jones
21st Round: Aaron Blair
22nd Round: Zach Dygart
25th Round: Rodney Quintero
28th Round: Jason Chowning
29th Round: Broughan Jantz
30th Round: Kellen Killsgaard
32nd Round: William Chrismon
35th Round: Esteban Gomez
36th Round: Ryan Halstead
38th Round: Ryan Ford
39th Round: Krishawn Holley
42nd Round: Paul Gerrish
43rd Round: DeMarcus Henderson
44th Round: Alexis Garza
45th Round: Ian Vazquez
46th Round: Lawrence Pardo
47th Round: Joseph Carcone
48th Round: T.J. Pecoraro
50th Round: David Donald