Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Acta going through his own version of Finals Week

Following what was reported to be a 7-hour interview in Cleveland yesterday, popular candidate made the second appearance on his Whistle-Stop Campaign in Houston today.

He's the first known candidate to have a second interview.

Do you think the Astros and Indians are trying to trip him up? He loses five points if he tells Ed Wade that Travis Hafner is due for a resurgence...?

UPDATE: McTaggart has an article up about Acta and this new development.

Acta said he expects a phone call over the weekend informing him whether he's one of the three Houston finalists, but he certainly demonstrated he has a great knowledge of the Astros while meeting with the media.

One of the three finalists, you say?

Honestly. Who wouldn't want this guy to be their manager?