Monday, March 23, 2009

You thought Coop was all sunshine and rainbows? Check out KRIS-TV!

Would you say that Brian Bogusevic has made "a flawless transition" to the outfield? Because KRIS-TV would.

In fact, this is his first spring training as a full-time outfielder, and he's been spending it all with the big club. He's hitting just .250 right now, but says the experience has been tremendously beneficial. For Bogey, the adjustment period is over and the pressure isn't as intense. Bogey?

Says Ricky Bennett:
He's making unbelievable progress. He's in big league camp and putting up terrific numbers. He's having good at-bats, he's playing centerfield and on the corners. So, he's doing a really nice job. I think the more he plays as a position player, he is only going to get better."

A far cry from "flawless," but it makes the kids feel good, anyway.